Manifesto review 3

May 6, 2014 § 2 Comments

manifesto 3#

 Live LIfe Manifesto, Holstee

 Holstee is a Social enterprise and design company and they created a perfectly modern manifesto that emphasises optimism, big dreams, love, curiosity and compassion. They have set this piece out with all the words being tightly packed, which i think they where trying to convey a modern city area with everything being tightly packed together and be so busy. Holstee start the manifesto of with this is your LIFE. Do what you love, and do it often. This can be generalised to everyone. As it is everyone’s life and they should do what makes them happy. However it’s not quite simple to do what you love without something else getting in the way. The Manifesto is good to make people think about change and doing What makes them happy but for most people its out of the question. We have work; go to university and other things we may not enjoy for long amounts of time Just to get a few minutes to enjoy what we love doing. Although it makes it a lot sweeter when you finally get to do what you love, after the long hours of things you don’t like doing. This manifesto reminds me of Alan Watts, What if money was no object? Question he asked to students. And most of, if not all said they want to be free to do and express themselves in whichever ways they want, and do what makes them happy and they enjoy doing since, if you cant enjoy what u are doing, how can you expect to do it for the rest of your life. The end part of the manifesto states that life is short and we should get out and express our dreams, and be creative. Which is great and I totally agree that we should express ourselves. As the more we do and more we get out and explore this world, is more we learn about other, the world and ourselves and can show this in our work.


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